2PCS CEL Check Engine Light Syresensor Adapter M18 x 1,5 CEL On Fix Engine Light Eliminator Bung Kit Katalysator Generic

¥4,700 ¥5,500


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1: O2 CEL-fixturen innehåller faktiskt miniatyrkatalysatorn M18X1.5, som hjälper till att bli av med de modifierade avgaserna eller inspektionsmotorlampan efter att katalysatorn tagits bort.
2: Tillverkad av förzinkat stål som är hållbart och har hög hållfasthet att använda.
3: UNDVIK ETT KONTROLLERA MOTORLJUS, hjälper till att bli av med den där irriterande kontrollampan.
4: Om O2-sensorn är för känslig kommer CEL fortfarande att öppnas efter att avbrytaren laddats, och alla problem på CEL-larmet kommer inte att lösas.
5: Enkel installation, direkt påskruvning, ingen modifiering behövs.

Skick: 100% helt ny
Material: SS304+ rostfritt stålfilter
Färg: Se bilden
Typ: Syresensor
Monteringstyp: Direkt ersättning
Tråd: M18 X 1,5
Storlek: Som visas på bilden
M18*1.5 O2 Sensor CEL Check Engine Light Spacer With Catalytic Converter Generic
Universal Alla modeller

Paketet inkluderar:
1 *M18*1,5 O2 Sensor

Gratis snabb frakt.
Beräknad ankomsttid: inom 2-5 arbetsdagar.

Customer Reviews

Based on 981 reviews
West coast auto repair
Mini cat cel

These mini cat cels Work great they save a lot of money. Turn off your engine light and you pass smog with no problems. I definitely recommend these to anybody who does not want to buy a very expensive catalytic converter. I give it a five star thanks J car parts 🙏

Leobardo Mondragon

Great product

engine light is now off.

I have a 2104 MDX and I was able to use the spacers for the exhaust. On the front cat I did not have any real issues with installing the spacer and the min CAT in place of the O2 sensor. I did have to move the wiring a little bit to make up for the change in place of the sensor on the pipe but other than that it worked out ok. For the rear cat I did have an issue where the design of the car prevented me from using the complete device in the exhaust. I was able to use the O2 sensor section as just a spacer for the sensor. This worked out as fine as the sensor section has the same thread that the sensor so there were no issues with installing it in the pipe. I don't think there would have been room in the area for even the straight one or the 45 degree one. As the title goes the engine light is now out, and I was able to pass emissions inspection with them on. This item works as designed even if it is only used in parts.

David Samayoa

10/10 worked perfectly for my 2016 Nissan Sentra

Víctor Ventura
